Fibre Optical Active Equipment
Red Dog Group has partnered with top technology suppliers to ensure we can not only install fibre optic cabling, but also deploy active equipment to ensure your fibre network takes full advantage of the technological benefits optical fibre provides.
We can supply, install, commission & maintain:
- Fibre Optical Line Terminals (OLT’s)
- Fibre Optical Network Units (ONU’s)
- Fibre Direct Modulation CATV Optical Transmitters & EDFA Amplifiers
- 1Gbps/10Gbps Fibre Managed/Unmanaged Switches
- Fibre Transceivers and Amplifiers (Active & Passive)
- Fibre media converters- applications include CCTV, Access Control, Communications transmissions etc.
- Telecommunications & Networking Active Fibre Equipment
- Wavelength Divisioning Multiplexing (WDM) Equipment
Through our extensive network of suppliers and technology partners, we can leverage of our knowledge to deploy fibre communications that are carrier grade.
Contact us today to see how we can help with your fibre networking and deployment needs.